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Watermelon This juicy fruit is rich in potassium and vitamins A, C and B. But what makes watermelon red is the presence of lycopene, an antioxidant. Numerous studies and researches have shown the benefits of lycopene

Watermelon This juicy fruit is rich in potassium and vitamins A, C and B.  But what makes watermelon red is the presence of lycopene, an antioxidant.  Numerous studies and researches have shown the benefits of lycopene.  It is a known antioxidant that reduces the risk of stroke as well as lowering blood pressure.

The good and juicy quality of Iranian watermelon in recent years has been such that it has attracted the attention of neighboring countries, especially the Arab countries along the Persian Gulf for export.

We, with a complete knowledge of the top farms and the highest quality watermelons of the season, are constantly trying to provide quality and fresh products to the consumer.

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